Thursday, December 10, 2015

Lucia Maria

Meet Lucia...

This  is Lucia Maria Borghesi-Davis, better known as Lucy or Nana. She was born in the small village named Bagne De Lucca in Tuscany, Italy. She was born in 1935, just 4 years before WWII began in Europe. Not only did Nana live to witness WWII, but she experience it first hand.

Before she and her family fled Italy for the United States in 1950, her family helped American soldiers get Jewish citizens to safety. When she was younger, about 5 or 6-years-old she said she would help hide some soldiers' things in her stuffed animals so the Nazi's wouldn't know they were hiding out there. 

She talked about growing up in this atmosphere. The bad parts, but always some good ones. The American soldiers took a likely to young Lucy, and would spoil her with chocolates. She might have even blushed a little when she talked about it. See, little things like candy and chocolate were a luxury to get at this point in time, so these soldiers truly did spoil her by bringing them to her. 

She talks about a little pocket Bible she received  from one of the soldiers staying in her home. In the Bible was a message her wrote to her. "To Lucy, May you grow into a beautiful young woman, and I hope to see you real soon. May God Bless your people always, Bernard." To this day, she still cherishes it deeply.

Pocket Bible to Lucia from general Barnard

Lucy's granddaughter Jillian reading her Nana's pocket Bible

Since her family fled in 1950, she has only been back one time. She doesn't remember the exact year, but she had the opportunity to go with her loving late husband. It almost brought her to tears when she talked about going back with him. She talked about what she misses about it, but she is happy with the life she has her. She said she married a wonderful man, and had 3 beautiful daughters. Then she was blessed with 5 beautiful grandchild, and now the most adorable great-grandchild.

A picture of Lucia's village in Italy that she proudly hangs on her wall
Nana has lived a wonderful life, and she has many stories to tell. Although that time was a difficult time in her life, she bravely did her part. She got out and lived a happy life with people she cherishes. 

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